Participation- The nature of this class requires a lot of group participation. This will be graded at least once a week. Your participation grade will be half attitude and effort. Meaning did you actively participate with your group or during discussion. The other half will be if you were prepared. Did you have all of the material with you that was necessary and was all of the work that needed to be done prior to that day, completed for this lesson.
Entering- As soon as you enter the classroom, enter the class quietly and begin any warm up assignment or discussion on the board. Tardies will not be accepted. You will need to be in this classroom before the tardy bell rings. Not in the shop or in Mr. Jones’s classroom.
Turning in Work– Most of your work will either be turned in in your spirals or on google classroom. However, there are bins behind my desk where work can be turned in on special occasions. Make sure your name, class period, and a title is on your work you are turning in.
Turning in Late Work– Late work will only be accepted if I have approved it. It is not my intention to have anybody fail this class because they are not turning in work. However, I ask that this privilege is not abused and that you turn in your work on time. If you do need to turn in an assignment late speak with me before hand.
Absences- If you have missed school for any reason the first thing that you will need to do is check the blog and the google classroom. Following that if you have any questions speak with me. You will be given 1 day per absence to complete late work. For example if you missed 2 days you will have 2 days after you return back to school to complete your late work. The excuse, “I wasn’t here” is not acceptable for late work.
Group Work- This class requires a lot of group work and discussion. In the real world it is vital that you can work in a team and I expect my students to do the same. If you absolutely can not work in a group you will be assigned an alternative assignment and loose participation credit for the day.
Leaving the Class- You may leave the class when the bell rings. I will not hold you for any period of time, unless you attempt to leave class early. You will then be asked to stay for 1 minute after class and still make it to your next class on time. Do not attempt to sneak out of class before the bell rings.
Discipline- All though I hope there are no discipline problems if there is the following steps will be followed.
Verbal Warning
Hallway Conference
Morning Detention
Office referral