
Warm Up (5 minutes)

Monday- Identify the following plant

Tuesday- Create a chart with the name of the following 5 plants and a way to identify each of those plants

American Beautyberry
Red Oak

Wednesday- Sub

Thursday- Review for your test with your shoulder partner

Friday- Describe a White Oak leaf and explain how you think our school got the name White Oak
Instruction: (15 minutes)

Monday- I will discuss in detail the first ten plants that students created their powerpoints over and ways I use to memorize all of them. I will show them what live samples I have and use good picture to explain the rest.

Tuesday- I will discuss in detail the second set of ten plants that the students created their powerpoints over. I will explain ways to identify them and show them live samples of what I have.

Wednesday- Sub

Thursday- We will review for a test on Friday first by talking about and reviewing all 20 plants again.

Friday- I will not be doing very much instruction today other than a quick review before their ID test on google forms.

Monday- Create a chart over the first 10 plants that say Plant Name, Picture, and ID help. This chart will require the students to draw a picture and tell me the ways the use to memorize that particular plant. They will not be allowed to use any of their notes or powerpoints.

Tuesday- Create a chart over the second 20 just like we did on Monday

Wednesday- Plant ID definitions and outline. (Sub)

Thursday- Using google forms answer the review questions and turn them in on google classroom.

Friday- Plant ID 1-20 Test #1.
Conclusion/Wrap Up- Ticket out door

Monday- Turn in chart on your way out the door. Clean up any messes and push in your chair.

Tuesday- Turn in chart on your way out. Clean up any messes and push in your chair.

Wednesday- Sub

Thursday- Write down 3 plants that you struggle to identify. Turn in on the way out.

Friday- Talk about Hunter Ed.

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